Mini kit girl Official certificate issued by the afro tooth fairy with envelope and postcard from the afro tooth fairy

Fée des dents



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What a wonderful feeling it is for children to wake up and find a small coin or other surprise under their pillow in exchange for their freshly fallen baby tooth! En savoir plus
1 Teeth certificate africaine children boy girl
3 tooth fairy afro Offizielle Zahnzertifikat allemand
2 Teeth certificate africaine children boy girl
4 tooth fairy afro Offizielle Zahnzertifikat allemand
5 tooth fairy afro Offizielle Zahnzertifikat allemand


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Rachel NY


"The magical tooth fairy experience!"
I recently purchased the Tooth Fairy Digital Kit from this site, and it has really transformed our bedtime routine! The kit includes beautifully designed Tooth Fairy certificates. My daughter's face lit up when she saw the personalised letter, and she can't wait to lose another tooth! The digital download was easy to access and the printables are high quality. I would highly recommend this product to any parent who wants to create a memorable experience with the tooth fairy!

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1 Teeth certificate africaine children boy girl

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