Oracle Versailles beginners DOWNLOAD, Tarot Cards deck

Oracle Versailles



Voir les 4 avis
INSTANT DOWNLOAD. I learn to draw cards with L'ORACLE VERSAILLES beginner. It allows you to predict the future easily and develop your mediumship gifts. Cartomancy for everyone. En savoir plus
ENGLISH presentation débutant oracle
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Ilona Crystal


I use the Oracle Versailles Beginner in addition to the Oracle Versailles Luxury. It is very effective for dating events. Thank you



I recommend the versailles beginner oracle. All the keywords are listed and it's very easy to practice reading. I also bought the Ebook in English and the translation is very correct. Thank you Oracle Versailles, thanks to you I will surely become a great clairvoyant !!!



Hello, great fortune-telling game to learn how to draw cards. I'm just starting this activity and with this very complete tarot, I've already had excellent results. With the key words on each card it's very easy to do a reading. Thank you Oracle Versailles



I downloaded this tarot deck to get started with fortune-telling. It's really very complete, with an Ebook of 2600 combinations. I have already had very good clairvoyance results with this tarot. Thank you oracle Versailles

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